Learn how we support our customers, visitors, employees and the community during this challenging time.
We, the owners, management and employees of the PoKupar website , are aware of the complex challenges faced by all of humanity during the spread of COVID-19. Based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization , we have developed a detailed plan for responding to these events.
We consider our goal to do everything possible to:
- Do your best to keep the infection from spreading.
- Protect the health and safety of our employees, customers, suppliers and the entire community in which we live and work.
- Support those affected in any way by COVID-19.
- Support those who are anxious or otherwise struggling with quarantine restrictions or other measures.
- Promote the measures of governments, local authorities, strictly comply with all their requirements and orders.
- Contribute to the efforts of nongovernmental organizations to contain COVID-19.
What we do for our employees
- We provide all our employees with a one-time bonus payment due to quarantine restrictions.
- We take measures to ensure health and safety in the workplace: we provide everyone who works in the office with antiseptic solution, protective masks and other means.
- We increase the space between workplaces to maintain a constant social distance.
- We carry out a thorough cleaning and disinfection of all rooms and all working equipment on a daily basis.
- Every day, several times a working day, we check the body temperature of all our employees.
- We provide a paid day off in the event that an employee feels unwell.
- We transfer to a remote mode of work everyone who has such an opportunity, with full preservation of wages and other payments.
- We help our employees in solving medical or psychological issues.
What we do for customers and suppliers
- We carry out a thorough cleaning and disinfection in all rooms where our clients can come.
- We provide free disposable protective masks and gloves to everyone who visits our offices.
- We try to carry out maximum communication with customers and suppliers online. We will not make appointments unless absolutely necessary.
- We try to support everyone with whom we communicate.
- We help clients to make purchases online, we advise them.
What we do for society
- We fulfill all the requirements of the authorities, medical administration and local government. We help them to the best of our ability.
- We are partnering with local non-governmental organizations working to contain the spread of COVID-19.
- We donate as much as we can to charities and other organizations that support the community during these challenging times.
Shopping on Aliexpress and other online stores during COVID-19
According to the WHO , Rospotrebnadzor and other government organizations, receiving parcels from China and other countries does not pose a threat.
You can find out more on the official Aliexpress page with explanations – https://sale.aliexpress.ru/en/__pc/coronavirus.htm
More information can be found on the CDC Organization website – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html