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About the site PoKupar

Hello dear visitors, users, partners, and competitors! We are glad to welcome you to our website PoKupar. We hope you enjoy it. And thank you in advance for your attention to the project.

The site “PoKupar” about Aliexpress in English is a resource entirely dedicated to the products of the Alibaba Group. Such as AliExpress.com, Tmall.com, and others. We are official members of the Aliexpress Affiliate Program. Therefore, if you click any link on our website and make a purchase, we may receive a commission from the Alibaba Group, its subsidiaries, or partners.

The mission of the PoKupar website

Our mission: Helping to find the best prices for reliable brands presented on Aliexpress.

To implement this mission, we provide users with the most detailed, honest, and verified information. We report all the possible ways to improve your shopping experience or get more value.
We believe that shopping on Aliexpress should be simple, straightforward, and convenient. So that you get not only a high-quality product of the right size and color but also the pleasure of shopping. Shopping should be fun.

Our values

  • Objectivity. We are not an advertising resource and do not consider it our goal to praise any product or service. Therefore, we always try to present information as objectively as possible. If the product has negative sides, you need to talk about them first.
  • Transparency. We cover all the information and try not to leave blank spots on our maps. We look behind the scenes of international trade and inform users about how the most complex mechanisms work.
  • Simplicity. We explain complex processes in simple words. To make it clear to you. After all, why write “cashback”, if I can say bluntly – a deception.
  • Benefit. The more our readers benefit from their purchases, the more often they will come to us. Therefore, we are writing about all possible ways to save money on Chinese marketplaces.
  • Pleasure. Where without it. Shopping should always be easy and enjoyable. We will tell you how to avoid sharp corners and bumps along the way.

Our vision

We are closely associated with the Alibaba Group company. Without them, we will cease to exist. Therefore, we look at the world from the same angle as the Chinese Internet giant.

Meet PoKupar

Alibaba provides commercial interaction between hundreds of millions of users. Between consumers and sellers. And we make this interaction honest, convenient, and enjoyable.

Work and leisure

Alibaba provides its clients with the fundamental infrastructure to trade with new technologies. So that they can build a business and create value. Values ​​to be shared. And we make it so that they can work less and have more rest. We help clients find value in Alibaba infrastructure.

A life

Alibaba is committed to expanding its product and service portfolio. To become the center of their clients’ daily life. And we want to make this life a little more pleasant and more fun.

103 years

When Jack Ma, together with like-minded people, founded Alibaba back in 1999, he said that the company would exist for at least 102 years. All business processes at the enterprise are “sharpened” for such a long period. Well, then our project will last 103 years. Another year after the closure of Alibaba, we will write tearful articles.

Our service

The PoKupar website offers visitors receive free of charge the most objective, complete, relevant, and understandable information about Alibaba Group products, goods, and services sold at sites owned by Alibaba Group.

Advertising on the site “PoKupar”

We are fully focused on working with the Alibaba Group. All pages of this site contain reviews of the products and services of this company. We are professional reviewers and may be rewarded for posting this information. But at the same time, we maintain objectivity and write not only about the advantages but also about the disadvantages of goods/services. As stated above, we may receive a commission if you use these products.

The PoKupar website also hosts ads for Google Adsense, a contextual advertising service from Google.

Therefore, at the moment, we are not interested in finding other advertising partners.

Our Authors

We are in social networks

Our Facebook page
Twitter for the most reticent
Our channel in Telegram
Our business LinkedIn
YouTube video channel
And of course, look for PoKupar on Instagram

PoKupar editorial office address

E-mail of the editorial office for general inquiries: [email protected]
Advertising department email: [email protected]
International Phone: +372 8199 35 72
Phone: +38 099 293 41 15, +38 093 032 51 78, +38 093 028 53 09
Mailing address:
Chervonoi Kalyny avenue 121/29